Obsolete: Onboarding new Contributors


    1. Ensure the user has signed/is covered by the CLA

    2. Ensure the user is listed in the "Unicode ICU-TC Committers🔒" document (private) with their name, email, and account id

Trac Access

    1. On the server, create the password entry for username (will prompt for the new password)

        1. # ssh root@ssl.icu-project.org

        2. # cd /home/icutrac/conf

        3. # cp trac.htpasswd _trac.htpasswd

        4. # htpasswd trac.htpasswd username

        5. New Password: <type the new password here>

    2. Restart the server

      1. # apachectl graceful

  1. verify that you are logged in as the new user

  2. Now, grant the user permissions in trac itself:

    1. http://bugs.icu-project.org/trac/admin/general/perm ( must be logged in as yourself )

      1. In the box ‘Add Subject to Group’: Subject: username Group: developer

    2. Click Add

SSH Access

    1. Obtain the developer's SSH public key. See Subversion Setup for ICU Developers - it should begin with "ssh-rsa …" or "ssh-dsa …"

    2. On the server, # adduser username -c 'User Name' -g src -G htdocs ; mkdir ~username/.ssh

    3. Copy the user’s key to ~username/.ssh/authorized_keys

    4. Fix permissions: chown -R username.src ~username/ && chmod -R u=rw,go= ~username/ && chmod u+rx ~username/ ~username/.ssh

    5. The user should be able to login via the key but not via password.

How to contribute

How to contribute to ICU