ICU 56 Milestone 1

Note: This is a development milestone release of ICU 55. This milestone is intended for those wishing to get an early look at ICU 56 new features and API changes. It is not recommended for production use.


ICU is the premier library for software internationalization. This page contains the latest ICU 56 milestone 1 (56.0.1) build links.

Significant changes since ICU 55 include the following:

Common Changes

    • Unicode data updated to Unicode 8.0: 41 new emoji characters, 5,771 new ideographs for Chinese/Japanese/Korean, 6 new scripts, improved character properties data, etc.

    • Early integration of some data and new structure from CLDR 28

    • DateIntervalFormat now handles intervals with seconds, and sets FieldPosition more consistently. [#11706, #11726]

ICU4C Specific Changes

    • New UNumberFormatStyle enum values UNUM_DECIMAL_COMPACT_SHORT, UNUM_DECIMAL_COMPACT_LONG provide UNumberFormat support for compact decimal formats. [#11693]

    • Larger UnicodeString object stores more characters inside the object without heap allocation; the UnicodeString object size is now build-time-configurable. [#11551]

    • On 64-bit machines, increase from object size 40 bytes with 15 internal UChars to a new default of 64 bytes with 27 UChars.

    • Some C++ classes now have swap() and moveFrom() methods, and support C++11 move semantics on compilers that support them. [#10086]

    • UnicodeString, LocalPointer, LocalArray

ICU4J Specific Changes

    • ULocale supports Android Locale script codes and Unicode extensions [#11674]

Known Issues

ICU4C Download

Version: 56 milestone 1 (56.0.1)

Release Date: 2015-07-01

(If the list of files does not appear above, see ICU4C Binaries.)

(If the list of files does not appear above, see ICU4C Source.)

To extract the source code, use the following command: svn export

ICU4J Download

Version: 56 milestone 1 (56.0.1)

Release Date: 2015-07-01

(If the list of files does not appear above, see ICU4J files.)

To extract the source code, use the following command: svn export